Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Seize the Day

I had so much fun tying my blog to show tunes last week that I thought I’d do it again this week. So, in honor of the opening week of Newsies in Argenta here you go: Break legs to all of our friends. I’m so excited!!! As a side note, the Dance Machine (my competitive team growing up) did a production number to Newsies growing up and I honestly haven’t thought about it much since then. Until September when we saw it at the Royal and it has quickly climbed to my second favorite show after Wicked (by a very small margin). Side note number two… anyone that says musicals are not like real life because “when do real people randomly break out into song during the course of their day” clearly have never run into our family. At least once a day one of us randomly breaks out into song during the course of our normal affairs. Let’s be honest – it’s normally me and the children follow suit if they’re around. I do giggle though when we turn on the Wicked soundtrack. Everyone has their favorites and we will straight up be driving down the road belting out Broadway show tunes at the top of our lungs. And sometimes I might break out into a British accent when delivering instructions around the house (or at work). Sometimes it might be around their friends. But why not… life is short!

But again I digress. I honestly sidelined the blog I planned to write today until next time because I really wanted to squeeze in that shout-out to our Newsies crew, but this one is no less relatable to this stage in life.

If I had a dollar for every time someone commented on how busy I am or asked when I sleep I’d be able to, well I don’t know. But I’d be able to do something. The point is, people think I’m busy. My boss calls me “High Octane” and tells folks that I “Operate at a different level.” The funny thing is, this is my normal, so it doesn’t feel out of the ordinary for me, or our family.

Do we go a lot? Yes. But I like going. I think I always have. For real, look in my high school yearbook and my activities are 4 or 5 lines long. I was president of every club, did a few sports, well, you get the picture. When someone usually asks how I do it all my reply is “I don’t sleep.” Which isn’t a super big stretch, but not entirely the whole truth =)

I really do seem to require less sleep for long periods of time than other people I know. When I’m in a relationship or actively dating I typically average 5-6 hours of sleep a night. That’s because that time from 9-midnight is usually when I’m able to fit in my personal life. Wake up at 6am, work by 7am, tiny human carting around 430-8pm, personal time 9-??? And I typically carry that on for 3-4 weeks before I need a reboot. I take a weekend and do nothing. We veg. It’s glorious! But by Sunday around 2pm I’m bored and ready to go again. I don’t relax very well =)

But there is still a lot that happens during that 430-midnight time to accomplish what needs to be done at our house, and I’m willing to share a few of our secrets.

1)     Hire help!!!
For real! I used to think it felt uppity to hire someone to do something that I’m capable of doing. Turns out that’s actually a great form of self care. I hate yard work. Like despise it because like laundry, it seems futile. So, when we first moved here from Georgia I hired a yard guy. He makes sure my yard looks pretty and instead of spending money on manicures I spend it on the satisfaction of knowing I don’t have to mow my own yard. One less thing I have to squeeze in.  He is also a fireman and I might have posted up in a lawn chair with a beer the first time he came. I make no apologies =) Last year I also hired someone to come clean the house once a month. It helps with that stuff I just don’t have time or energy to get to and now I don’t have to feel guilty about it!
2)     Multitask
a.      When I get ready for bed each night I try to think about what we have going on the next day and when I might be able to accomplish something on the to do list. So when Braden is at dance class I might be sewing talent show costumes or rhinestoning costumes or putting together a slideshow. Very rarely do I ever just sit and watch tv. I’m normally trying to get something done while I’m watching the newest episode of my favorite show. For really busy weeks I will run errands on my lunch hour. I use online grocery pick up when I need to.
3)     Charge your kids rent…
a.      This one might ruffle a few feathers… Your children are not helpless. Ok, some of the really tiny humans are, but my kiddos were helping empty the dishwasher as early as 3-4 years old. Now, they do that plus their own laundry, emptying trash, dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, yardwork, etc. They have assigned chores that are always there, but at times when life is running in the super fast lane they are charged to jump in and help. And guess what, that’s ok! You are not only teaching them to be respectful, you are also freeing up valuable time. I’ve even started charging mine when I find dirty clothes left on the bathroom floor. They’ll learn real quick, or I’ll have a new mani/pedi fund started. Either way it’s a win for me.
4)     Unapologetically do things for you

a.      This is important. At least for me because this gives me the umpf on hard days to get to bedtime. In a world where we are in constant motion and most of us double as uber drivers for our kids in the evenings, it is so important to seek happiness outside of that. Something that is just for you. And if you’re in a relationship, something just for “us”. I will sacrifice sleep in order to take a long bath some days. And date night is a must in my house. I’ve found that when I become complacent about making time just for us, it tends to fall apart. But the same goes for doing things just for me. I am a much better mom/friend/employee/family member, etc when I don’t feel like all I do is stuff for other people.
5)     Make time to give back
a.      I know this also sounds crazy. You are reading this to see my tricks of the trade for making time for it all, and I’m telling you to add more stuff. Yes and No. But mainly yes. This is along the same vane as #4 above. Doing things for others will recharge your soul. I’m serious. Make a point once a month to put it on your schedule to do something for someone else. Maybe it is a non-profit that shares one of your passions. Maybe you make a meal for a friend having a tough time. Plus you can get your family involved in said giving back event, so that counts as family time (now we’re multitasking!). In a world that becomes more selfish by the day, teaching our kids that they are not the center of it is never a bad thing.

6)     Schedule/Post Its/Lists
a.      I have just in the past 6 months started truly embracing the digital schedule. I’ve always been a paper calendar kind of girl. But when all the kids go all the places and do all the things, paper just didn’t cut it anymore. I still have my paper calendar to keep up with birthdays. (Side note –I do that because I can look each week to see who has a birthday. I am a big believer in birthday cards and personal texts on your birthday. So if you don’t currently get a bday card from me and would like to (please note I’m not tooting my horn like how great would it be to get a birthday card from MEEEEEE, more like a birthday card from anyone is exciting to get because any mail that isn’t a bill is exciting as an adult, and I just happen to be the one offering to send said card) feel free to message me your birthday and address and I’ll add you to my list).

But my calendar is my lifeline when stuff hits the fan. This week is kind of crazy because I might have asked to chair Braden’s last cub scout banquet the same day as a dance comp so now I’m trying to make 150 servings of baked chicken alfredo and spray tan a kid at the same night and make sure all the food is bought and the decorations are ready (thanks Sharon!!) and the shoes make it to the dance bag. So it’s a little busy. Oh yeah, and I need an oil change. Like bad. My car keeps yelling at me. But instead of panicking, I just keep adding stuff to my schedule. Today at lunch, Jiffy Lube. Friday at lunch, Sams. I have a list on my nightstand that outlines all the little stuff I need to accomplish this week and what day I think they need to be accomplished on. Because on weeks like this if I don’t have a plan, I tend to spiral. When you spiral at 90 miles an hour bad things happen. So have a plan and work your plan.
7)     #NobodyDied
a.      And finally, give yourself a break. Unless you’re in the medical field, typically no one will die if you don’t accomplish all the things you get out to accomplish for a given day. Remember that list on my nightstand. There are things on that list unchecked from Wednesday. Of last week… And guess one. No one loves me less, nobody died. The world continues to spin on its axis. Some days I just can’t anymore. That’s ok. Some days one of my kids just wants to snuggle and tell ridiculous jokes for an hour. Great. Do it. I promise, it will all be there tomorrow. The laundry, the dishes, the talent show costumes. I’ve lived 38 years now and very rarely has anyone broken into my house and done all the things I left undone from the day before.
8)     Do what you say             
a.      The last thing I’ll share is to me one of the most important. If you say you’ll do something, Do It. Commitments are not something taken lightly at my house so if I tell you I’ll do something, I do it. Sometimes that does come at the expense of sleep  and rest, but I just don’t ever want to be one of those people that is considered unreliable. So when it gets hard, that’s what I fall back on. I made a commitment that I’m going to see through. After all, what am I teaching my kids if I don’t keep my word to others. And to myself honestly. This has also taught me the beauty of the word no. Because sometimes I do overextend myself, but I won’t quit. So No has become a much needed and loved word in my vocabulary.

Anyway, thanks for reading. If you are unlike me and need something to do this weekend I would highly recommend checking out Newsies at the Argenta theater. They open this weekend and the cast is fabulously talented! And be sure to check back next time. I’ll be discussing anger. Yep – it’s going to get uncomfortable (at least for me!).

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