Monday, August 2, 2010

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Hot, Hot, Hot!

So, no big shocker to anyone south of Kentucky, but IT'S HOT! As some of my pregnant friends can confirm, it's even hotter when you're pregnant! I'm talking if I step outside for more than 60 seconds I'm covered in sweat. Hormones are not my friend. To make it worse, it is the hottest summer on record in Atlanta. Joy!

But, enough complaining and onto more exciting things. We officially closed on our house last Friday and began moving in. Unfortunately both air conditioners were broken so please refer to paragraph 1 for my feelings on this! Other than that we're all super excited to finally be moving in. I know it was less than a month, but it has seemed like forever! We got a TON moved over the weekend and are bringing in reinforcements next weekend to help with the rest of the stuff. Hopefully the A/C units will be fixed by then so we can actually start sleeping there.

Braden has his new room all picked out and I found his Thomas stickers for his walls in a box yesterday so I plan on putting them up during my lunch today to surprise him after school. He's still very excited about baby sister and wants to know where she is at all times. I guess he got over her kicking him a few weeks ago =) I'm still not sure how the sharing situation is going to go, but I think he's going to make one heck of a big brother. He's been so attentive during the pregnancy I'm hoping it will continue after she is born.

Had another doc appointment today. I'm in my 31st week. Baby A is wiggling right now to say hello (it could have something to do with the donut I ate 20 minutes ago), but overall she is much calmer than Braden was. Braden tended to move all the time, and she tends to go more in bursts and then be still for hours at a time. Her growth seems to have slowed down, but she is still growing big (she's only 1 week ahead now instead of 2). I'm planning on moving her stuff over today and getting the nursery set up (sort of). Another appt in 2 weeks so I'll have another update then.

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