It took me exactly 24 hours to realize that being a single parent is HARD WORK! Brad is out of town for business for 3 days and 3 nights, so thank goodness this is a temporary situation.
The first night was actually nice. Braden and I got to spend some great 1 on 1 time together and I got total control of the remote control after Braden went to bed!
Then came the morning. I was trying desperately to shower while listening to see if he had woken up. Needless to say not the most relaxing shower. Once out of the shower, he was up so I had to dry in 3 seconds and go get him. The rest of getting ready went without a hitch, but then it was time to take the trash cans out to the curb. I then had the dilemma of leaving Braden inside by himself of in the garage. I voted for inside, but he freaked out when he couldn't find me.
Finally we were ready to leave and all went well. I then had a crazy, exhausting day at work and I found myself very sad that I couldn't pass Braden off for just half an hour to lie down and read a book. I also found myself thinking how glad I was there weren't two of them yet!
Thank goodness it's the last day of dad being gone for a little big. It's not like we can't handle it, but I know Braden misses Brad a lot (so do I!) and life is just much easier when there is someone else to help you tackle it!
Sorry I haven't written in a while. Life has been crazy, busy, and exhausting for the past few weeks which has left me little time for creativity and inspiration. I'm still feeling ok. We go to the doc 2 weeks from yesterday and are about 6 ½ weeks along. After we go to the doc we'll be more willing to share our news with the world. Thanks for keeping up with us!